Friday, August 31, 2012

Art From Students

So I love when students make art for me on their own time. I wanted to share some with you.

This is from a second grade boy who races dirt bikes and loves Fox Racing. He did this on his own in his aftercare program. He was very proud of his rainbow F.

A little first grader brought me this poster one morning. I'm not really sure what each element means and I thought it was a class project. There is one element though that was so touching.

I just thought this was so sweet. Later I was talking with her teacher over lunch and found out that this was not a class project. She did this at home on her own time.

This picture is from a fourth grader. I have been working on portraiture with all of my classes. I've been trying hard to get my students away from dot eyes, point noses, and smile lines. I've been focusing on lines and shapes for a persons face and hair. After one class, this student went home and created her own portrait using the skills I taught her. 

This is what I live for. I live for the times students are so inspired by what's happening in class, that they create their own art. We're only one month in and I can't wait to see what else comes my way.

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